I am the peaceful parts of the day.
Early morning, standing under streams of hot water which wash away the
worries while steam clears my head- ordering the day’s events without thoughts
of more than one day.
Most mornings as I shower I let the hot water wash over me and concentrate on simply relaxing and not thinking about the things that will cause me stress during the rest of the day. I often try to feel as if the water is not just washing over me but through me, relaxing me and washing away my cares. It is calming and soothing breathing in the steam and helps to clear my head to deal with whatever tasks lay ahead in the day.
Late evening, I greet the moon each night with a brief walk outside. Tracking its silver orb through each month of its cycle; counting the stars and watching their seasonal trek across the sky, while murmuring affirmations of health and well-being to the dark sky.
One of the last things I do each night is walk briefly onto my lawn to look above. It is a wonderful peaceful time of the evening when I walk quietly outside alone. I spend time just looking at the sky and making verbal affirmations to the stars and moon. “I am not ill’ “I like my job” ‘I love my life” “I will not be afraid” It is very relaxing and doing it each night I can track the phases of the moon through the month and track the progression of the stars and constellations through the year. I can observe the weather, cloudy or clear, warm or cool. It keeps me in touch with nature and the movement of the seasons. It gives me the chance to just slow down and breathe deeply.
Nighttime, lighting a single candle to express hopes and fears. Lie down in soft covers with the one I love to listen to the sound of wind chimes while drifting off to sleep.
Each night as I go to bed, having gotten my clothes ready for the next day ready, the last thing I do is to light a single tea light, in the same special safe location, and ask the powers that are higher than I am for peace and health and wellbeing. I ask them to give peace to those I love who are going through difficult time, and ask assistance to me in staying healthy, happy, and preserving the parts of my life which I love. I voice thanks for the things for which I am grateful. It is a quiet way to end the day. As I go to bed I practice feeling relaxed and same with deep breathing and mentally relaxing my body to fall asleep, have peaceful dreams, and awake refreshed. Hearing the wind chimes outside the bedroom window, reaching out to touch my partner as I fall asleep, and letting the soft bed and clean cool sheets envelop me finishes my day.
Early morning comes
again, and starts a new day…